Not since Aflac has a duck been this famous...
Taya's parents stopped in on their trip across the country which you can read more about by going to We got up early on Friday morning to drive to Memphis for the day. Our first stop was the Peabody hotel to see the world famous "March of the Ducks". We joined the crowd about twenty minutes before eleven to hear the Grand Duckmaster tell all about the ducks and give us a history of the beautiful hotel. The Duckmaster then went to the top floor to the "Duck Palace" to retrieve the ducks, and a few minutes later we were surrounded by flash bulbs and people yelling "here they come, here they come!" It was really quite funny. Those ducks are a mix between Rock Stars and Royalty, but it was really fun and Isaiah loved it.

Next, we wandered down a couple of blocks and into a back ally to get to Charles Vergos "Rendezvous"-which has made Memphis famous for dry-rub barbecue ribs. Apparently many US Presidents and Rock Stars have eaten there (or I suppose they may have just had their picture taken at another bbq joint and then mailed it to Rendezvous). Anyways, it was a fun environment- the barbecue was good but the red beans and dirty rice was even better.
We got stuck in a thunderstorm and the huge downpour that followed, then we toured the Cotton Museum which was very interesting as it talked not only about Cotton but also gave us a lot of background into the Slave trade -very, very, very sad. I walked away from it with a renewed appreciation for Abraham Lincoln.
"Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally." ~Abe Lincoln
We hopped in the van and drove back to Little Rock to meet our good friends for Pizza. The rest of the weekend included: visiting a car show (hundreds of cars and only two mustangs-how could that be called a car show?), taking a big drive around Little Rock, a few more massive thunderstorms, and an excellent church service which you could watch by clicking here: : . It's been a fun weekend of Fowl, Food, Flooding, and Family (corny, I know, but it's coming from a guy who got up at 6:00am to go watch ducks walk the red carpet).
1 comment:
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time together =)
Isaiah must have just loved his time with the ducks!!!
I plan on watching your service tomorrow... Good night...=)
Love you to the moon and stars,
Mom and Dad
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