This ones for the grandparents- a five minute glimpse into a day in the life of our boy. He loves to read, he loves his "guys" (beaver, ted, ducky and monkey) although beaver and ted are like his best friends and ducky and monkey are kind of like third cousins twice removed. Here's the clip:

that is just TOO stinkin' cute! good job, Isaiah, on reading to your friends!
Hi our sweet little Isaiah!
I loved how you read to "beaver" are a good reader and I could tell that "beaver" really loved that story! We could tell that you are a good friend. Nana and Papa watched this over and over and over again. We smiled and laughed.
Thankyou our "sweetheart" XXXOOO
Ahhhh, kids and books. It just doesn't get much better than that! Good job, Isaiah (and good job Mom and Dad!)...books are the door to all kinds of great adventures!
hi guys...
don't know if you are checking this on your cruise...if you are....TURN IT OFF!! :) this video clip was awesome.he is precious!! love and miss you. traci and boys :)
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