Both of us took turns through the past few nights getting up with Isaiah to help him calm down as the croup has made him feel like he can't breathe. It's such a scary thing and we're sad that he's had to endure it. Now, all of us are completely exhausted.
Friday and Saturday Ross took advantage of the +75 degree weather to mow and fertilize the lawn and help a friend painting, and he's got the sunburn on his neck and forehead to prove it (a sunburn in March? that's uncommon even for a redhead). However, the pride of having a lawn that looks like it belongs in Lynden rather than Little Rock has taken a little of the sting out of the sunburn.
Sunday morning we woke up to a coughing and wheezing little boy which only served to confirm the fact that attending an Easter morning church service was definitely not an option. So we decided to make the best of it and ended up having a wonderful day praising Jesus and celebrating Easter as a family.
Isaiah helped Ross make hot-cross buns for breakfast: delicious!

You can find out more about the film here. We are so excited about this movie, that if you would promise to watch it yourself and then pass it along to someone else, we would love to send it to you for FREE. It is an excellent tool for sharing the truth about Jesus Christ with others and we would love to equip you with it.
When Isaiah woke up from his nap, we spent the rest of the afternoon doing an Easter Egg hunt with the Resurrection Eggs. Isaiah had a blast finding the eggs and we had fun sharing the true meaning of Easter with him (thanks in part to the Rez' Eggs and his favorite Easter storybook).
We wrapped up our day by making an excellent (and huge, for just the 3 of us) Ham Dinner with scalloped potatoes, glazed carrots, fresh rolls and a banana cream pie for dessert.
All in all, it turned out to be a great weekend, but without a doubt the biggest highlight for us came Sunday evening when called our family back home in Lynden to let them know that we are expecting a baby! Taya will be 13 weeks along on Tuesday and we're looking at an October 6 due date. We just had a check-up and the doctor says everything is looking great. We are absolutely overjoyed and we'll be sure to keep the blog posted with updates as they come. But for now, all we can say is "Thank You. Thank You. Thank You Jesus..."
i'm so sorry to hear that isaiah has the croup and that it made for a rough Easter weekend for you guys... but i'm glad you were able to have a good weekend anyway, filled with great family time, a good movie, delicious food (you can cook for me anytime) and the ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL, MARVELOUS, CELEBRATORY NEWS of Baby Black! I am overjoyed for you with that news! We love and miss you so much!
Wooohooo! Praise God! Congrats guys! Can't wait until Isaiah has a little brother or sister to play with!
Thanks for sharing your Easter with us, and all your Easter blessings.
Miss you!
Yippee!!! We're so excited for your news and glad to hear things are going well so far. As to the croup ordeal, we can totally commiserate. It's scary and exhausting; especially when you're pregnant. Hope Isaiah is feeling (and sleeping) better really soon. Praising the Lord with you for all His goodness to us.
Oh my goodness! What wonderful news! We are so happy for you, and say "Thank you, Jesus" in chorus with you!
Blessings on you all, and we hope that Isaiah is over the croup soon so you can get some much needed rest!
Looking forward to October with you,
Leslie & Randy
And we say....THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOU JESUS! Our hearts are overwhelmed with joy....our eyes our filled with tears of joy and gratitude....we long for the day to see our precious new little one. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou Jesus! We love you "4" to the moon and stars and back again,
Forever, Mom and Dad
(Nana and Papa) XXXXOOOO
Dear Ones in Arkansas,
What a gift, and what a way to celebrate Easter. We are so happy for you all as well as all the grandparents involved. We will continue to pray for baby Black and Taya as they grow together. We love you. I really loved the pictures of Isaiah's cars. Dustin did the same thing so it brought back so many memories. He lined up not only cars but lego, and he loved this gear game where you set up gears and attach a handle and turn them, or that marble game where you set up this tower and put a marble down and watch how all the different things moved and how when you change the tower the marble changed directions. Thanks for sharing your stories with us. Thank you Lord once again for resurecting and renewing life and for giving us a hope and a future.
Love you,
Dear Ross and Taya,
We are so happy for you all and thankful with you with the news of a baby to come. What a blessing! How exciting! Isaiah will love the excitement. Sorry to hear about the croup and hope that Isaiah recovers soon. Loved the cars lined up, maybe we could swap pictures of them as we have Christian who LOVES to line up his cars, trucks and trains too. What the two boys could accomplish if they were together! Amazing what they come up with! Love, Mary and Steve
Congratulations Ross & Taya… we are SOOOO happy to hear your exciting news of a baby… and SOOOOO cute! We are thanking Jesus together with you. Hope Isaiah is feeling better today. We love you guys.
Uncle Jim & Aunty Penny
I get it! ...the first pic of this post was a teaaser "bun in the oven"
ha ha! ~ me
Wonderful, great, absolutely fabulous news!!
Auntie (Great) Kathy
CONGRATS!!!! We are so excited for you all!!!!
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