Looks pretty brutal, doesn't it? Needless to say, it was so quiet in the office that day, that I got about a week's worth of work done... plus my commute time was cut in half.
Snow is one thing that Little Rock just isn't really prepared for. On the other hand, we have thunderstorms that are bigger and louder and last longer than anything we've seen in Washington, and they don't seem to faze anyone around here.
We get many opportunities to watch the storms come and go. We actually enjoy them. So far Isaiah hasn't been scared by the thunder & lighting either! Here's a 60-second snapshot of the lightning, thunder (it was booming so loud that it set off car alarms), and penny-sized hail that pounded our house from 6pm to 4am last night. We love a good storm and this one was just amazing.
It makes the words from Chris Tomlin's excellent worship song "Indescribable" really come to life:
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should goIsn't it nice to know that no matter how unprepared we may feel for "life" and the storms that come with it, God is in complete and total control? There's only one person that knows how many hailstones (or "wittle snowballs" as Isaiah calls them) hit our house last night, and He doesn't work for the weather channel. He's the One we trust in the storm.
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Incomparable, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same
You are amazing God

It's nice to see there are people somewhere in the country that freak out even more than Seattleites do when a "storm" is on the way!
Wow, thanks for the storm footage! That was unreal! Reminds me a bit of the dramatic weather we had out east when we lived in Vermont. The weather changed very rapidly there. One day, we had a 60 degree shift. It's hard to dress for weather like that.
Thanks for the storm footage! We got those in TN ..not as powerful though! Ya'll are great and we are excited to join you guys in the journey at FamilyLife. Thanks for the great time! Talk soon!
shane and mitzi
That was amazing....and Isaiah isn't afraid? That's wonderful and reassuring to Nana. It is so true that when we feel "safe" with "our dad" (our Heavenly Father) we have no need to be afraid. We know the Master of the Wind =)
We love you to the moon and stars,
Mom and Dad
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