

Jesus in a Suitcase...

Right this minute we have friends who are acting as pack mules for Jesus, trying to deliver precious cargo to underground believers in Jesus. I'm so inspired by their example & their faith. I'm also convicted at my own selfishness & timidity here in America. I once read of a Vietnamese pastor who said, “We have learned that suffering is not the worst thing in the world... disobedience to God is the worst.We're so proud of your obedience to God, B&V!

It makes me boil when I think of the power we profess and the utter impotency of our action. Believers who know one-tenth as much as we do are doing one hundred times more for God, with His blessing and our criticism.” -Jim Elliot (missionary/martyr)

1 comment:

oneblessedmama said...

Thanks for this post!!
i'll pass it on! :)

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