

God is my Shepherd...

Elijah loves the song called "House of God, Forever" by Jon Foreman. We caught him singing it the other night before bed. He is such a sweet & gentle guy, & it has been really sweet to see his desire to pray & sing praise songs growing more & more. We were created for relationship, even 2 year-olds can recognize this, & the most important relationship anyone can figure out is their relationship with God.

Watching that video of Elijah also reminded us of another clip featuring Isaiah on the same topic at a similar age:

Thank you God, for being our good shepherd & for filling our life with these wonderful gifts!


Dave and Debbie Black said...

Oh, i loved this so much...watched it three times. Precious boys that fill our hearts with joy.

Emily said...

Absolutely priceless. I am so glad you recorded this. Brought a tear to my eye. We miss you guys.

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