

September 2008 Prayer Letter

Ross and Taya Prayer Letter // 9.07.08


Anonymous said...

Great newsletter kids! It is such an honor to be a part of your team!
Everytime you three do anything that touches lives out there or around the world, we get to feel the thrill of being a part of it, even though we are here! We also feel the joy of being parents of children who serve the King! We love you all to the moon and stars!

Mackenzie said...

Ross and Taya~ I was wondering where I could go to find the DVD for the military marriages. As an Army wife we are always looking for great teachings for ourself and others. Thanks, Mackenzie

Ross and Taya said...

Hi Mackenzie, it will be a little while before the DVD is produced, but in the meantime, go ahead and visit for some great resources that apply to Military Marriages. FamilyLife also has some resources for Military families located here . If you and your husband would like to lead a group through a HomeBuilders study for Military Marriages, and finances are holding you back, just let us know and we'll try to make it happen. Thanks for your comment, we would love to help you help others in any way possible.

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