August 17: We got to spend the morning with Trisha & Luis. It was so fun to visit & let the kids play. Even though we're not in the same country as each other, it has been so nice to be nearby & to watch our children grow.
August 18: There is just nothing sweeter than tip-toeing into the room & watching our children peacefully sleeping. It is one of my all-time favorite things.
August 19: You can hardly see it in the photo, but one of the highlights of this morning was when the street-sweeper came by. The kids run from window to window trying to get a glimpse at this mechanical marvel. =)
August 20: This may be one of my favorite photos ever. We went to the Northwest Washington Fair
August 21: Isaiah's newest favorite find at the library are books on tape. Even though there is all sorts new technology & gadgets, a simple audio cassette & a classic children's book still captivate our kids imagination.
August 22: Today Isaiah was invited to bring flip-flops to church for the children in Haiti. He gets excited to give to things like this, but we love it that he is not content with just doing a little bit. We thought it was really sweet that he really considered what it would be like to have no shoes... he got sad thinking about how the kids must have cuts on their feet. To Isaiah, it wasn't good enough to just buy them flip-flops, we had to do something about their wounds too. So he bought two big tubes of ointment & the biggest package of Bandaids that he could find. Oh God, please give us thoughtful hearts like his.
August 23: Whether a participant or a passenger, Elijah is ALWAYS up for a bike ride. It doesn't matter what the weather is like or what time of day it is, he pretty much asks us if we can ride bikes every single day.
August 24: No photo yet... we had a great photographer snap some family photos for us in Fairhaven.
August 25: We were all playing in the yard with Demi & the cousins, making lots of noise & running all around when we realized that Elijah was off on his own, quietly playing with this hose & nozzle. We loved seeing the fascination & wonder on his face.
August 26: Today we took a group of pastors, family members & co-workers from FamilyLife Canada to an excellent conference for people in Christian ministry called Catalyst. It was such a treat to hear from leaders like Andy Stanley, Craig Groeschel, Mark Driscoll & Judah Smith. We were challenged by so much of what we heard, but the one big take-away that sunk into our missionary hearts was this: "If we want to reach people that no one is reaching, we'll have to do things that no one is doing."
August 27: Who would have thought Costco toilet-paper could be such a great toy?!? They started playing with it before I had the chance to put it away & this bundle has been at the center of the kids play-time for several days! So far they have wrestled with it, played cars on it, body-slammed it, jumped off it, ate snacks on it and have used it as a bench to watch Sid the Science Kid.
August 28: What was going to be an uneventful Saturday morning ended up being a kid's dream come true. This morning we stumbled across the 100 Year Centennial Celebration of the local fire department. Besides the delicious cupcakes, they had all sorts of kids games, activities, demonstrations, etc., and the boys especially loved spraying the fire hose.
August 29: Here are a few of the Lego creations that Isaiah has spent HOURS working on & playing with. Many of the Lego's are Ross' from when he was a little boy. It has been so fun to see Isaiah's imagination come out as he builds these vehicles.
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